CCMA Community Chat - Webinar - Supporting the mental health of your team during Covid 19 and planning for a phased return to the workplace

Date: 21/04/2020

Venue: Webinar 11 a.m.

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Dr Shane Farrelly, CEO and Medical Director of SomarMed puts a medical focus on our CCMA Community Chat series.  In this webinar Shane will address some of the Employee Mental Health Concerns to be addressed in teams that are adjusting to a 100% work from home model.  He also starts the discussion about planning for an eventual return to the workplace once restrictions are lifted and the medical indicators that teams need to start thinking about.

The topics for discussion include:

  • How to identify potential mental distress in colleagues and staff members working from home and how to address these mental health concerns
  • Medical indicators to consider lifting restrictions
  • How to prepare for a level of social distancing on initial return to the workplace
  • Considerations in reoccupying buildings when partial restrictions lifted
  • Questions to ask staff members returning to the workplace to mitigate risk to their team members because of symptoms
  • Lessons learned from Boris Johnson’s recovery about early intervention if symptomatic from COVID-19 to improve survival

About the Speaker

Shane is a medical doctor and has 30 years’ experience as an expert in International Occupational Medicine. He is the CEO and Medical Director of SomarMed.  As a consultant to a number of International Companies he provides guidance to their Corporate Health Departments in the design and implementation of Global Occupational Health Programmes in Ireland, United Kingdom, Europe, North, Central & South America.

He is an expert in Strategic Case Management and has experience in leading global international multi-disciplinary teams. Through his appointment as Independent Medical Assessor to the Irish State Claims Agency (2001) and the Irish Public Bodies Mutual Insurances (1991), Dr Farrelly gained significant experience in the medical assessment of employer liability related cases. In 2014 he was appointed as one of three Senior Medical Advisors to the Irish Health & Safety Authority.

He is an expert in rehabilitating employees with long term absence back to work and has worked with the insurance industry in designing and implementing proven and effective rehabilitation programmes globally. He also assits in Absence and Strategic Case Management and has designed and implemented programmes which have significantly reduced short, medium and long term absence. He is a senior medical adviser to pension funds globally on criteria for ill health retirement.

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