CCMA Irish Customer Contact & Shared Services Awards 2024 - Judges Call

Date: 28/06/2024

Venue: Webinar 12 noon

We are delighted to launch our 2024 CCMA Irish Customer Contact & Shared Services Awards. The application pack with details of 17 categories and criteria for entry can be downloaded here. The closing date for entries is 5 p.m. Wednesday 4th September 2024. We are delighted to announce Workair as Gold sponsor of the CCMA awards for the third year and thank them for their support. 

Please register for webinar here.

On this webinar we will talk through the awards application pack including the 17 categories and criteria for application.

Please download application pack in advance of this call here.

If you would like to submit a question in advance of the judges call please send through to

The webinar will commence at 12 noon and finish no later than 12.45 p.m.  

Our gala awards ceremony will take place on Friday 22nd November in the RDS Dublin. Further details on the ceremony will be available shortly.

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