CCMA Members Forum - Abtran - Managing Relationships and Performance in the Virtual Contact Centre
Date: 17/09/2021
Venue: Webinar 11 a.m.
The team in Abtran constantly seek to standardise, simplify and cut through complexity. Following their success in winning the CCMA award for Outsourced Partnership of the Year in 2020, Abtran will discuss how they are now adapting long standing relationships to deliver service performance excellence in a virtual contact centre.
Employing over 1,500 across Ireland, members of the senior executive team from Abtran, including Aisling Deasy CEO, Noreen O'Sullivan Head of HR and Brian Mahony Service Delivery Director, will discuss:
- Accelerating the move to the virtual contact centre
- Cultivating a strong and long lasting client relationship
- The underlying operational controls and service performance objectives
- The “Drive to Digital” programme, investing in technology to meet ever changing customer expectations
- People engagement and development to provide value to clients
The webinar will commence at 11 a.m. and conclude no later than 11.45 p.m.
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