CCMA Sponsor Webinar - Expertivity Technologies - From Contact Centre to Solution Centre How to Get there in 25 minutes!
Date: 22/09/2021
Venue: Webinar 2 p.m.
Invest just 25 minutes of your time to learn how you can turn your contact centre into a solution centre. The Technological University Dublin and Expertivity have come together to develop a Level 7, 3 module programme that will help you to broaden your range of skills, learn methods and develop the expertise required to make this transition.
This practical, practitioner led programme covers the broad spectrum of challenges: including:
- What management tools and methods are available to better manage the increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity facing CX organisations.
- How do we cohere and align organisations for a true end to end CX?
- Why is Lean struggling to embed, sustain and bring the long term benefits it promises organisations and how to fix it.
- Explore and learn from real case studies where CX teams have dramatically improved their CX and increased their productivity by up to 300%.
In this introductory webinar, Alex McDonnel the programme leader will take participants through a 25-minute blitz of the programme using real world case studies to show how teams and organisations have dramatically improved their performance by applying the programme content.
Service Operations Management is the science and discipline of empowering teams and managers with the new information and insights required to deliver higher performance in CX organisations. This is a part-time online programme delivered across 3 modules as follows:
- Module 1 - Developing The High Performing Team Leader
- Module 2 - Interteam Dynamics and Optimising Team Performance
- Module 3 - Understanding and Applying Tools for Continuous Improvement
Service and Knowledge-Work organisations are mostly complex, and this has profound implications for the skills, tools and methods required to dramatically improve their performance. Team leaders and managers of CX operations who have developed these new skills, methods and tools have seen their CX soar while doubling or even trebling their productivity in less than 6 months.
Expertivity Technologies, who have been helping organisations to dramatically improve their performance for nearly 20 years and the Technological University Dublin, have come together to develop and deliver a level 7 programme designed to develop these new skills, methods and tools in Service and Knowledge-Work organisations. This programme is designed to dramatically improve the performance of both public and private sector organisations.
Modules 1 & 2 of this hands-on, practitioner-led programme build the foundational skills, methods, and tools for managing in a complex organisation. With these foundations in place, the more advanced management practices of Lean Management, delivered in module 3, are easier to deploy and more likely to embed and sustain over time.
Key topics for discussion during this webinar will be:
- Lean Service Operations Management…… advance your career with the new science and disciplines necessary for managing complex organisations in a volatile world.
- Complicated – Complex… what’s the difference and why does in matter.
- Beyond managing to cohering … why it matters to the modern workforce.
- Why Service Operations Management is a key foundational requirement for sustaining Lean
This is an online part time programme with 3 modules delivered over 6 four hour sessions (72 hours of directed learning) with 15 European Credit Transfer System (ECT's) attained on completion. CCMA members are been offered a 10% discount on the course fee. Skillnet funding and group discounts may also be available, further information can be obtained by contacting
About the speakers
Alex McDonnell, CEO & Founder of Expertivitiy Technologies is one of Europe's leading experts in helping service and knowledge work organisations build Enterprise/Operational Excellence (including Lean and Six Sigma) as a core competence throughout their operation. He is an experienced management practitioner and holds a BA in Management, an MBA, an MSc in Lean Management Systems, a diploma in Systems Thinking from MIT and is a certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black belt (LSS MBB).
Karen O'Connor, Head of Optimise, European Technology (IT Support), Irish Life & Canada Life (part of Great West Lifeco Group). Karen will share her experience of the programme.
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